Saturday, March 1, 2008

Looks Like We Made It

So we are here in Guatemala City. After an exciting time in the airport and Bro. John almost losing his luggage, we are finally situated in Central America.


Right now we are at kickin’ it at the Arkansas House before we go out into the field. We’re working with Keith and Gleena Bartley here, a couple originally from TN that now work for the IMB.

We’re going to be worshiping with a local congregation tomorrow then we’ll be repacking then relocating to Coatepequa. That is where we’ll be staying through Thursday as we go into the area of San Miguel to share the gospel and seek out ministry opportunities. San Miguel is an extremely rural area that, from my understanding, has had little to no true gospel presented to them. Pray that in everything, we do not present anything less than the absolute truth as we share. I know that it could be really easy to, out of a desire to remain peaceable, want to water down our message. I hope and pray that we are able to speak the truth in love in everything we do. Thank you for all your prayers. I will do my best to keep you updated but I don’t think we’ll have as much internet access after Monday, but I’ll be keeping notes.

And on another note, a praise goes out in Daniel's life as God continues to show him new and interesting thing about himself through study.

1 comment:

[alicia] said...

Aw, look so happy in the second pic!
[And pretty cute...just saying =P].
Makes me smile. =]

I'm glad you all made it safely, and I will be praying about the interaction and pouring into the people you encounter.

I'll keep checking back in here and there to see if you have posted anything else. =]

Take care down there, and be blessed! ^.^
