Wednesday, March 5, 2008

I learned a new word... chorio

Today was an interesting day. Unfortunately, I spent most of the day ill. But there was a lot of good stuff, regardless. We got to do two assemblies at the school, both of which went well. We gave out about 300 copies of the Gospel of Luke. Today was the last day we will spend in San Miguel, so we had to say goodbye to a lot of our new friends (including Daniel's disciple Walter). But hopefully we were able to make an impact be fore we left. Remember to keep that community in your prayers, that seeds will be watered and God will grow.

Grace and peace,

- Doug


Megan said...

Hey! I'm sorry that you weren't feeling well today. I was really disappointed when I saw that I missed your call (I was in a meeting for a group project). Call me again soon!

I miss you! And I am praying for you!

Love you lots

[alicia] said...

So, what does this "chorio" mean? =]
