Sunday, March 21, 2010

Day Two

So we have made it to our final destination after a day of fine Guatemalan cuisine (McDonald's, Burger King, and Pizza Hut). Tonight we were able to worship with the members of Iglesia Evangélica Bautista Bethania. Bro. John preached, Dan and Julie shared testimonies, and I shared a song. We're excited about tomorrow. We will be doing prayer walking through the area in which we're ministering, inviting God to work through us this week. I'm reminded of Jesus' injunction at the end of Matthew 9. We he was surrounded by so many needy, helpless, destitute people, he didn't say "get to work!" Instead he said "pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest." Please join with us tomorrow as we pray for God to do his will.

Have a blessed evening. I'll do my best to have pictures tomorrow.

Grace and peace.

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

I am so glad that yall are in the same time zone so that when we are praying we are praying with you guys. Please be safe.
Praying really hard