Monday, March 10, 2008

Part Two

Well, time sure flies. I’ve done a lot of tourist-type stuff lately. We’ve spent a lot of time in Antigua. Saturday was the day I spent in the Guatemala city airport. I saw the Enon crew off at about 5:00a and met up with the BCM people around 2:00p. It wasn’t too bad. I spent most of the time working on a paper from school and talking to a couple I met. They we’re ‘Full Gospel’ Christians and they told me a little about their particular beliefs. While I didn’t agree with the extent, it is nice to remember the power that God has in our life. Too often I discount how much He can and will do, if we have faith. He does heal and He does provide. But thank God that we are also able to bear the thorn in the side and suffer for the cause of Christ’s name.

Sunday we went to a church local to Chimaltenango. It was much different than the church I was at last week. The area is much more urban than Henova. This is one of the churches we are working with this week. Yesterday we began working with the children. Somehow I ended up working with the music, so I get to make myself look like a fool en Español. But it is a lot of fun. We ran out of songs to sing, so we translated an off the cuff version of baby shark in Spanish…it was a hit. But it’s been so much fun working with these kids.

Keep them and us in your prayers.

God bless

1 comment:

[alicia] said...

Doug, those kids are so adorable! ^.^
Seems like you are having a wonderful all are still in my prayers. =]
